Breaking Limits in Life, Sports and Leadership

Offering Gymnastics, Cheerleading, and Leadership

Our Mission

To provide a culture that develops an athlete’s character, leadership ability, and instills discipline and focus in and outside of the gym.

Limitbreakers Values

Limitbreakers Character Rules

The foundation of the 3 Limitbreaker Rules drive our coaching and leadership philosophy. We believe by becoming disciplined in these rules, athletes and coaches develop a strong character base and mental discipline to be leaders in and out of the gym. Being a limitbreaker is a lifestyle and these rules are the foundation for applying great leadership into all aspects of life!

  1. Act older than you are.
  2. Keep an open mind and open heart.
  3. Sit in humility and rise in responsibility

Limitbreakers Story

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About the Founders

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News and Announcements

Information coming soon!